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Transfigured night - female dancers doing a figure in a night decor under the moon


Over 60 years of Ballet

iPhoto: Richard Champagne

Discover Les Grands Ballets' creations and ballets performed since 1957.


A Soldier's SongMiko Sparemblek
A Yesterday's DayLinda Rabin
Adieu Robert ShumannBrian MacDonald
After EdenJohn Butler
Afternoon of a faun (The)Vaslav Nijinsky
AgitatoChristopher House
Agon - 1957George Balanchine
Allegro BrillanteGeorge Balanchine
Anaphase (extrait de Minus One)Ohad Naharin
AnimaStijn Celis
ApolloGeorge Balanchine
AppartementMats Ek
Approximate SonataWilliam Forsythe
ArbosOhad Naharin
ArtèreLudmilla Chiriaeff
AstaireBrydon Paige
AurkiFernand Nault
Auréole - 1962Paul Taylor
Avec BrahmsLinda Rabin
Axioma 7 (reprise 1994)Ohad Naharin


Bawdy VariationsBrian MacDonald
Before NightfallNils Christe
BeguileLesley Telford
Bella FiguraGlen Tetley, Hélène Blackburn and Jiří Kylián
Belle Rose (La)Ludmilla Chiriaeff
Between Ashes and AngelsAdam Hougland
Beyond - 1999Adam Hougland
Black Cake - 1989Hans van Manen
Black MilkOhad Naharin
BlushingPeter Quanz
Born to DanceLudmilla Chiriaeff
Butterfly Effect (The)Shawn Hounsell
BérubéBrydon Paige


CANTATAMauro Bigonzetti
CARMENÉtienne Béchard
CINDERELLAJayne Smeulders
With Les Grands Ballets Orchestra
CanadianaJames Kudelka
Cantate for a Joy (Lions)Brian MacDonald
Cantique des CantiquesFernand Nault
CapriccioGeorge Balanchine
Carnaval des animaux (Le)Ludmilla Chiriaeff
Catulli (Capes)-
Catulli CarminaJohn Butler
ChambreMark Godden
Chatte (La)George Balanchine
Chez la duchesseSeptime Webre
Cloven KingdomPaul Taylor
Clowns (Les)Ludmilla Chiriaeff
CollisionsJames Kudelka
CombatW. Dollar
Complainte du phoque en Alaska (La)Brydon Paige
Concerto BaroccoGeorge Balanchine
Concerto K Six-Twenty-TwoL. Lubovitch
Concerto pour violon de Stravinsky - 1972George Balanchine
Consort Lessons - 1983David Bintley
CoppéliaEnrique Martinez after Petipa
Cor PerdutNacho Duato
Cor perdut - 1989 (reprise 1998)Nacho Duato
Corriveau (La)Brydon Paige
Corsaire (Le) - 1960M. Petipa and E. Hyrst
CraterRoddy Doble
CérémonieFernand Nault


DOMAJérémy Galdeano and Věra Kvarčáková
DON QUIXOTEMarina Villanueva based on Marius Petipa
Danses SchubertChristopher House
DanzOhad Naharin
Dark ShadowsBrydon Paige
Dark VisionBrydon Paige
Dawns and DusksJohn Butler
Death and the MaidenStephan Thoss
Delightful DisruptionKristen Cere
DepartedVanesa Garcia-Ribala Montoya
Diabelli VariationsBrian MacDonald
Diable dans le Beffroi (Le)E. Hyrst
DiamondsGeorge Balanchine
Dim Light of DawnKen Ossola
Diva (extrait de Minus One)Ohad Naharin
DiversionJames Kudelka
Divertimento # 15 - 1956 (reprise 1997)George Balanchine
Divertissement Glazounov (Pas de Dix)Fernand Nault
Divertissement SchumannJames Kudelka
Double QuartetBrian MacDonald
Double TimeItzik Galili
DraculaJames Kudelka
Drawn BlindsE. Hyrst
Dream awayStephan Thoss
DuendeNacho Duato
Duende (reprise 1995)Nacho Duato
DésirJames Kudelka


EarthlingsDouglas Lee
EderleziMyriam Naisy
En CageL. Gradus
EspagnolaBrydon Paige
ExercicesLudmilla Chiriaeff
Exultate JubilateL. Lubovitch
ÉpisodesGeorge Balanchine
Épreuve de Force / ShowdownEdouard Hillyer
Étapes / StagesBrian MacDonald
ÉtudeLudmilla Chiriaeff
ÉtudeÉdouard Lock


Falling AngelsJiří Kylián and Stephan Thoss
Farces (Commedia Dell'Arte)Ludmilla Chiriaeff
Fille mal gardée (La)Fernand Nault
Fille mal gardée (La) after CantonE. Hyrst and L. Chiriaeff
FindingsBrian MacDonald
Firebird (The)Marco Goecke
Firebird (The)Bridget Breiner
Folies françaiseBrydon Paige
Forgotten LandJiří Kylián
FuegoVanesa Garcia-Ribala Montoya
FukuokaMarcos Morau
Funambule (Le)Ginette Laurin
Fête hongroiseLudmilla Chiriaeff


GISELLEIvan Cavallari, based on Jean Coralli, Jules Perrot and Marius Petipa
With Les Grands Ballets Orchestra
Gala des Étoiles Nuit 1988 Téléthon - 1992-
Gala performanceAntony Tudor
GehenneFernand Nault
GenesisJames Kudelka
GloriaSir Kenneth MacMillan
Graduation BallD. Lichine
Grand Pas de deux classiqueE. Caton
Green table (The)Kurt Jooss


Hangman's ReelBrian MacDonald
Heart of the Matter (The)James Kudelka
Hip & StraightFernand Nault
HommageE. Hyrst and L. Chiriaeff
HoroscopeLudmilla Chiriaeff


IcareLucas Hoving
Il y a un momentJ. Limón
In Honour OfBridget Breiner
In ParadisumJames Kudelka
In Paradisum - 1983 (reprise 1998)James Kudelka
IncohérenceFernand Nault
Indagine ClassicaChristopher House
Initiation à la danseLudmilla Chiriaeff and L Gradus
Inside OutGioconda Barbuto
IntroductionE. Hyrst and L. Chiriaeff


Jardí TancatNacho Duato
Jeu de cartesBrian MacDonald
Jeu de cartesLudmilla Chiriaeff
JeunehommeUwe Scholz
Jeux ForainsChristopher House


KaamosOhad Naharin
Kaguyahime: The Moon princessJiří Kylián
KaleidoscopePeter Quanz
Kyr (extrait de Minus One)Ohad Naharin


L'Aujourd'hui de DemainBrydon Paige
With Les Grands Ballets Orchestra
LUDMILLAGeorge Balanchine, Ginette Laurin, James Kudelka and Jean Grand-Maître
LabyrintheE. Hyrst
Lady Chatterley’s LoverCathy Marston
Leonce and LenaChristian Spuck
Lettre (La)Fernand Nault
Liberté tempéréeFernand Nault
Lilac gardenAntony Tudor
Limpido AmorJosé Navas
Lines and PointsB. MacDonald and B. Paige
Long Will Stand the Empty Plate-
Lottery (The)Brian MacDonald
Love DraculaJames Kudelka
LullyLudmilla Chiriaeff


MAESTROJiří Kylián, Garrett Smith and Stephan Thoss
Mabul (extrait de Minus One)Ohad Naharin
MajísimoJorge Garcia
Marathon (Tournoi)Brian MacDonald
Mendelssohn Concerto No. 1Brydon Paige
Minus OneOhad Naharin
Miraculous Mandarin (The)Milko Sparemblek
MiribiliaFernand Nault
MisfitsJames Kudelka
MobilesFernand Nault
Mythe décisif (Le)Paul André Fortier
Mère courage-
MédéeBrydon Paige
Mémoire de l'eau (La)Jean Grand-Maître
Mémoires de CamilleLudmilla Chiriaeff and Caton


Na Floresta - 1990Nacho Duato
NightJames Kudelka
Night Shadow - 1946George Balanchine
NocesStijn Celis
Noces (Les)L. Lubovitch
Noces (Les)Ludmilla Chiriaeff
Noces (Les) - 1923Broniskava Nijinska
Nonagone - EssaiLudmilla Chiriaeff


Oiseau phoenix (L')Ludmilla Chiriaeff
Open BlueMark Godden
OthelloJohn Butler
Ouverture russeJames Kudelka


PantomimeBrydon Paige
Paquita (Pas de deux)Fernand Nault
Pas d'époqueFernand Nault
Pas d'étéFernand Nault
Pas de quatreAnton Dolin
Pas rompuFernand Nault
PaseosGioconda Barbuto
Passage - 1980James Kudelka
Passomezzo (extrait de Minus One)Ohad Naharin
PaukenschlagMark Morris
PayseLudmilla Chiriaeff
PerpetuumOhad Naharin
PetrushkaM. Fokine
Piano concertoE. Hyrst
Pic-BoisBrian MacDonald
Piccolo mondoGioconda Barbuto
Pierre et le LoupLudmilla Chiriaeff
Pierrot de la LuneLudmilla Chiriaeff
Pierrot lunaireMarco Goecke
Pillar of FireAntony Tudor
PodiumÉtienne Delorme
Pointes sur glaceM. Conte
PolonaiseTedd Shawn
PolyphoniaChristopher Wheeldon
Possibly SixDidy Veldman
Pour BradEdouard Hillyer
Première ClassiqueE. Hyrst
PrincipiaKevin O' Day
PrismHelgi Tomasson
Private DancesJames Kudelka
ProthalemiumBrian MacDonald
PsaumesFernand Nault
PsycheE. Hyrst
PulcinellaLudmilla Chiriaeff
Pétrouchka d'après FokineL. Chiriaeff and J. MacPherson


Quatre Tempéraments (Les) - 1946George Balanchine
Quatrième Concert royalLudmilla Chiriaeff
Queen of Spades (The)Kim Brandstrup
Queens of GolubOhad Naharin
QuestJohn Butler
QuincunxMark Morris
QuintanFernand Nault
QuintessenceFernand Nault


Rassemblement - 1990Nacho Duato
Raymonda 3e acte (Marius Petipa)Terry Westmoreland
Re-(II)Edouard Hillyer
Re-(II)Shen Wei
Red Ribbon DanceZhang Yu Yi
Reed SongBrian MacDonald
Rencontre (La)L. Gradus
RequiemAndrew Skeels
RigodonBrydon Paige
Rite of Spring (The)Stijn Celis
Rite of Spring (The)James Kudelka
Rodin/ClaudelPeter Quanz
RomanceJames Kudelka
Romeo & JulietIvan Cavallari
Roméo & JulietteJean-Christophe Maillot
RubiesGeorge Balanchine
Ruse d'amourLudmilla Chiriaeff


Sabotage Baby (extrait de Minus One)Ohad Naharin
Salle des pas perdus (La)James Kudelka
Scherzo CapricciosoR. Hynd
Scouine (La)Fernand Nault
Sea GallowsE. Hyrst
Searching for HomeStephan Thoss
SeascapeJudith Marcuse
SerenadeGeorge Balanchine
Seven Deadly Sins (The)Fernand Nault
SheherazadeJames Kudelka and David Earle
Shining People of Leonard CohenBrian MacDonald
Silver and The Circle of MessagesR. Hynd
SinfoniettaG. Salbaing
SinfoniettaJiří Kylián
Sinfonietta (1978) - reprise 1998Jiří Kylián
Six DancesJiří Kylián
Slow SmokeKevin O'Day
Snow White and the MirrorÉtienne Béchard
SoaringD. Humphrey and R. St-Denis
Soldier's Mass - 1980 (National Ballet)Jiří Kylián
Solo for TwoMats Ek
Sonata de LunaEdgar Zendejas
Sonata for a Piano CocktailLynne Taylor Corbett
Songs of Joy and SorrowFernand Nault
Spectre de la rose (Le)Michel Fokine
Spectre, Story of Lonely SoulsMarwik Schmitt
Spring DancesJudith Marcuse
Spring WatersAsaf Messerer
Square DanceGeorge Balanchine
Stabat MATEREdward Clug
Stepping StonesJiří Kylián
Stone WitnessLinda Rabin
String QuartetMark Godden
StringsBrian MacDonald
SubstrateCass Mortimer Eipper
Suite canadienneLudmilla Chiriaeff
SummoningBenjamin Hatcher
Swan of Tuonelo (The)Anton Dolin
Sylphide (La)Auguste Bournonville
Sylphides (Les)Michel Fokine
Sylphides (Les) - Fokine 1909Michel Fokine and Fernand Nault
Symphony No 5Garrett Smith
Symphony No 7Uwe Scholz
Symphony of psalmsJiří Kylián


Tam Ti DelamBrian MacDonald
Tango AccelerandoGinette Laurin
Tarentella Pas de deuxGeorge Balanchine
Tchaikovski Pas de deux - 1960/1962George Balanchine
TellurianLinda Rabin
Temps après (Le)Fernand Nault
Tender HooksDidy Veldman
The Blue HourAnne Plamondon and Vanesa Garcia-Ribala Montoya
The BroodR. Kush
The CreationUwe Scholz
With choir and Les Grands Ballets Orchestra
The Enchanted GiftIvan Cavallari
The Four SeasonsMauro Bigonzetti
The Golden BatPeter Anastos
The LakeIvan Cavallari
The Little PrinceDidy Veldman
The Lost ShoeStijn Celis
The Moor's PavaneJosé Limòn
The Nutcracker
The Prodigal Son - 1929 (reprise 1994)George Balanchine (Richard Tanner)
The Rite of SpringÉtienne Béchard
The Sleeping BeautyMarcia Haydée
Themes & Variations - 1947/1968George Balanchine
There Below - 1989 (reprise 1995)James Kudelka (Gerard Charles)
Three Cornered Hat - 1919Léonide Massine
Ti-JeanFernand Nault
Time Out of MindBrian MacDonald
TommyFernand Nault
TooTDidy Veldman
TournamentBrian MacDonald
Transfigured nightStijn Celis
TrapèzeDaniel Sellier
TrianonE. Hyrst
Triomphe d'Aphrodite 1re et 2e versionN. Walker
TripJohn Butler
Try Ready GoFernand Nault


Une nuit sur le mont ChauveLudmilla Chiriaeff
Unfinished BusinessJames Kudelka
Urlicht - 1976William Forsythe


Valse fantaisieGeorge Balanchine
Valses (Les)R. Hynd
Valses nobles et sentimentalesE. Hyrst
Variations en blancLudmilla Chiriaeff
Variations for FourAnton Dolin
Variations for a Dark VoiceBrydon Paige
Variations sur un thème EnfantinLudmilla Chiriaeff
Variations sur un thème de HaydnE. Hyrst
Vendetta: Storie di MafiaAnnabelle Lopez Ochoa
VillonJohn Butler
VisagesFernand Nault


WaveIb Andersen
Waves (The)Kiara Flavin
White Dragon - 1982Elisa Monte
Without WordsNacho Duato


Your SelfTetyana Martyanova

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