Chantal's life shifted when, at the age of 13, she watched the movies Fame and The Turning Point. She joined all the jazz classes she could and ended up at Les Grands Ballets' school, where her life took a turn. For more than 38 years, Chantal has been pushing adults, teenagers, professional dancers, non-dancers, actors, singers and athletes to dance. For her, dance is life: there is simply no other way.
On the music that inspires me... Whether barefoot, wearing socks, flat shoes, high heels or running shoes, I DANCE!
To connect with music.
Finally! After all these years! It was time...
A graduate from Les Grands Ballets' school in 1986, Chantal never stopped dancing, teaching or choreographing! A former ballet dancer from Les Ballets Jazz de Montréal, a choreographer and performer for several musicals, stage productions and television productions (including the Match des Étoiles), she has acquired an expertise and a reputation appreciated by her peers. Her passion for teaching has never faded!