On July 30, 2024, The National Ballet School and the National Centre for Dance Therapy will be co-hosting the Adaptive Dance Symposium, in partnership with Canada's Royal Winnipeg Ballet School. This symposium, open to everyone and held online, will take place from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. It is dedicated to showcasing the numerous benefits of dance for all.
This event, themed “Dance & Wellness”, seeks to equip dance educators, healthcare professionals, dancers, and families of children with diverse needs, with practical tools and insights into the physical, cognitive, social, and emotional benefits of dance.
The purpose is to create dance programs that are accessible and inclusive to all individuals. This is a free event (offered only in English).
Our ambassador and NCDT dancer Matthew Brotherhood will introduce our collaborator Rebecca Barnstable, who will talk about the importance of dance research and social prescription for the arts.