Mexican born Edgar Zendejas has evolved as both interpretive artist and choreographer over two decades of dedicated work in the dance community. Fueled by a passion for dance that began in his native country, Zendejas was drawn to the United States where he received a bursary to study at the United States International University. Edgar’s interpretive career began in Chicago where he performed with Hubbard Street Dance Chicago and Giordano Jazz Dance. In the early nineties, Edgar joined Les Ballets Jazz de Montreal, now BJM Danse, where he found himself evolving as an artist and choreographer. The company's varied repertoire and frequent international tours nurtured Edgar's emerging interest in creation. After the successful premiere of Zendejas's first work, "Breve Enlace," Louis Robitaille, artist director of BJM, promoted Edgar to associate choreographer with a commission for a new work: "Besame. Besame Mucho!" which was applauded by Montreal audiences. Recognition of this new work as well as awards from the Festival Danse Encore in 2001 and 2003, led to choreographic commissions in Mexico and the United States, most notably from Jacob's Pillow; Cedar Lake Contemporary Ballet, New York; DanceWorks Chicago; Luna Negra Dance Theater, Chicago; NorthWest Professional Dance Project; Ballet de Monterrey, Mexico; State Street Ballet, CA. Edgar Zendejas’s North American acclaim continued to grow: he won the Hubbard Street 2 National Choreographic Competition in 2010, competed as a finalist for the Milwaukee Ballet’s choreographic competition “Genesis” in 2011, and won the Outstanding Choreographer Award from Youth American Grand Prix in 2012.
The language of Edgar Zendejas's movement is seductive. Coloured by his Mexican heritage, the movement explores the qualities of the human soul with humour and delicacy. His vision of a better world through choreography was realised in January 2006 when he co-founded ezdanza along with Julien Gagnon and Neelanthi Vadivel. Since then the company has evolved as an open space focused on research, creation and dissemination. Ezdanza now boasts a dedicated agent, Zia Artists, and a growing number of internationally acclaimed artists.
While ezdanza continues to grow and develop, Edgar Zendejas can now explore new branches of choreographic collaboration, especially with the contemporary circus. He was signed the choreography for "Entresort", a show celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Swiss Circus Starlight. Also, as a member of the artistic team of Franco Dragone, Zendejas was for a period of five months in Xishuanbanna to create "Dai Show". More recently in 2014 and 2016, in collaboration with the National Circus School of Montreal, Edgar Zendejas, as a director, creates the shows "Méandre" and “Colibri”, presented at the Tohu and received excellent reviews. The company evolves into an area of freedom devoted to research, creation and dissemination. Always following this objective, ezdanza opened its doors to "Perpetua", a creation of three Mexican choreographers, Mauricio Nava, Victor Quijada and, Edgar Zendejas.
The year 2017/18 will be the years of the two new commissions for Edgar Zendejas entitled “The Rite Of Spring” and "Spartacus", contempray full length ballets with State Street Ballet in USA. These works will also be signed in collaboration with the Montreal designer Michael Slack for the sets and costumes as well as Stéphane Ménigot as a lighting designer. And finally, ezdanza will start a new creation in 2017/18, entitled "The Lorca Project", which it will draw inspiration from the life and poems of Federico Garcia Lorca. Edgar Zendejas as director and choreographer will be accompanied by two guest choreographers. "The Lorca Project" will mark for ezdanza, the first creation where contemporary dance will interact with the contemporary circus art.