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Services tailored to your needs
iPhoto: Damian Siqueiros
Our Values
iPhoto: Damian Siqueiros
Our Approach
iPhoto: Damian Siqueiros
Our Partners
iPhoto: Damian Siqueiros
Research Projects
iPhoto: Damian Siquieros
Research Projects
Research Advisory Group

The Research Advisory Group is an interdisciplinary team of researchers who collaborate to the NCDT research project or who are involved more generally in research projects in the field of dance and well-being. Its members advise the NCDT on all matters concerning research and strategy.

Research Advisory Group
iPhoto: Damian Siqueiros
Scientific Events
National Centre for Dance Therapy
General Information
Circle of children and guide holding hands
A Unique initiative
Support The National Centre for Dance Therapy

It is thanks to the generosity of our donors that we can develop dance interventions programs and thus contribute to the well-being of our community. Your support allows us to finance our operations and create projects that are accessible to everyone.

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